Claire L Frankel


Claire L Frankel

About Me

By education and experience, I’m an Engineer, although my degree is in Physics and Mathematics.  Even though most established companies were not hiring women in 1976, I got into the computer/ I.T. field after graduating from college, then, because the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) was something of a ‘start-up’ and they needed everyone with skills. For the last 44 years, I have worked every day (all day, all night, sigh) designing financial industry databases.

 I have also been writing poetry since I learned what a poem was (about 60 years ago) and have just begun to publish them. During boring corporate meetings, coffee breaks, lunchtime and downtime, I wrote poetry. My first poem, ‘Deskbound’ was published in Oberon Magazine in 2019. My first chapbook, “Plague Year Poetry,” is available on My second chapbook, Working Woman Poetry, can be ordered directly from the publisher,, or from Both chapbooks were published in 2020.

My first full collection of poetry, 228 pages, is titled “Between My City and My Hudson River Valley Collected Poems 2019 – 2022”.  It has been published this month. Please order this book and/or my chapbooks below.